Friday, October 23, 2009

#46 Its been a month... & "Shouldn't you have already known that?"S

Yeah so it has been a long month since my last blog post. I guess I ran out of steam or creative juice or just plain got lazy. We will see how it goes from here on out. But I had a though this morning that "inspired" this blog.

I am feeling particularly good today. I have a better outlook on life and the trials that I am facing. As I sat here at my desk trying to figure out what was different from yesterday or Wednesday when I was feeling exactly the opposite it hit me. last night my sweet wife Heather and I went to the Temple with the members of our Elder's quorum and thier wives last night. I thought "THAT'S IT!" I feel good because I DID some good. I am decidedly more happy and ready to tackle life's issues because, in some small part, I think I put life into better perspective last night. It makes me think "hey you should do that A LOT more often" And I should. In fact today I WANT to. But regardless of what happens in the future, I can now look back and remember "hey remember when you were having a LOUSY week? Yeah GO TO THE TEMPLE YOU BIG IDIOT!"