I don't usually use the my blog as a place to talk about my testimony, but today I will. As I went to bed last night I felt impressed to reread Enos (shown above) in the Book of Mormon. Now in the past verse 2 has been the focus of much of my study;
"And I will tell you of the awrestle which I had before God, before I received a bremission of my sins."
Now anyone who has ever read Enos knows that it is all about repentance. Lately this has been on my mind as I have made great leaps spiritually of late. But last night was altogether different. I was instead drawn in my Verse 4;
"And my soul ahungered; and I bkneeled down before my Maker, and I ccried unto him in mighty dprayer and supplication for mine own soul; and all the day long did I cry unto him; yea, and when the night came I did still raise my voice high that it reached the heavens."
But more specifically I focused on the very beginning, "And my soul hungered". In dozens of reading of the Book of Mormon I had obviously read this passage before but never before had it touched me in this way. So I did what I do when I am touched, I pulled out my journal and began to write, so that I might capture the thoughts and feelings as they came to me. Even this morning as I write this, new understanding is coming to me with regards to these four words. My soul has hungered for a very long time. I feel that it is finally BEGINNING to get the nourishment that it so desperately craves. In the coming week I will attend the Temple again for the first time in nearly two years. I cannot wait. I am so very anxious to feel the spiritual power boost that is there. I have promised myself and committed to a friend that I will attend each and every week for the next year. This will come as a bit of a sacrifice (to my sleep mostly) but the reward will FAR outweigh the price. It has been quite some time since something this spiritual has excited me, but it is doing just that. I don't ever again want to be as Spiritually malnourished as I have been over the past few years. A friend told me a quote that I liked;
"Church is for those who are afraid to go to Hell. Spirituality is for those who have already been there"
I have been there. And I don't EVER want to go back. That's why I need both. The future today looks bright, VERY bright.
Subway: Undressing the Dressing
8 years ago
so happy for you. =)
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