Almost two weeks ago one of my favorite events of the year took place. Baseball's opening day for the 2010 season. As most people know (and if you didn't look slightly to the left) I am a big Seattle Mariners fan. I spend a lot of my day perusing the Seattle Times website looking for and absorbing anything from there that I can. Keep in mind I live in Salt Lake City. I spend time in the off season glued to the rumor wires for news of trades and free agent acquisitions (like Cliff Lee this past winter). During the season my geographical location makes my fanaticism a little more tough to deal with. My sweet wife Heather, bless her heart, bears the brunt of this burden. She simply doesn't understand why "a game" can be so important to me. She of course has to also deal with BYU football, of which I am also a huge fan (albeit ever so slightly less than my fanaticism of the M's)
It was recently brought to my attention that I spend WAY TOO MUCH time staring at my iPod Touch. I use this miracle of modern technology to keep up with the outside sporting world. whether its via Twitter (@jr_mckee), Facebook, or the ESPN app. I must admit I do look at it too often. Part of my problem is the awesomeness of Mariners Baseball. I like to know what is happening throughout the evening. Being in SLC I cannot get the game on the radio, and Paying $200 for the full season of TV broadcasts, while totally awesome when I was single, is simply no longer a wise capital expenditure (yeah I know I sound like an economist... deal with it, I have. :) ) So on account of my geographical disability I have resorted to staring at my iPod and in the process really ticked off my favorite person in the world. I am sorry sweetheart. I will do better at weaning myself from my toys.
All that being said, I don't see my Fan-dom dropping in intensity. I just need to be better about how I go about it. The Mariner motto as you can see above is "Believe Big", and that is just what I am doing. I believe that my team is going to be great this year, and I want to be a part of it. but I also know that there are things more important than the Mariner's record and seeing King Felix and his nasty nasty stuff. I love my wife and my family. I hope that they can Believe Big (in me)too.
Subway: Undressing the Dressing
8 years ago
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