So yesterday I walked out of a class at BYU for the last time. Sure I have to take 3 exams, all of which hold the promise of being particularly evil, but I never again will have to set foot in a classroom. (unless I get my MBA at some point, but this is beyond the point) So today I find my self in this strange limbo land. My final exams are Monday and Tuesday of next week. Its strange I know I probably SHOULD start to study, but I am not sure my brain will let me. Granted these exams will be crazy hard, but I start to reach diminishing marginal returns and I find it difficult to study any more past a certain point. I am most worried about my econometrics exam, followed by my price theory exam. My financial econ exam will be a beast but I am for some reason just not as worried about it. So thus I float...
In other news, on the upcoming post-grad roady we are planning on going to a Dodger game in LA after spending the day at the beach. I am excited to see one of the games great venues. Chavez Ravine (Dodger Stadium) is a historic and storied park. It falls in behind Wrigley and Fenway and that rats nest that the Yankee$ call home. (How could it not be a rats nest if its full of Yankee fans) but it is still one of the great old parks and I am excited to go. I plan to eat myself a Dodger dog, and leave a rediculous pile of peanut shells in my wake. MAN I LOVE BASEBALL!
Subway: Undressing the Dressing
8 years ago
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