Wednesday, July 22, 2009

#25 Americans must be idiots.

It's official the president of our beloved country clearly thinks that we re all idiots. Tonight he is taking to the airways in an attempt to tell us how neat he is, why we should RUSH to pass a Health care reform bill that has little hope of reforming health care. Now we have all heard about this by now. And if you haven't then you have likely not been paying attention. The kicker here is that President Obama is going to try and tell us how "great" a job he has been doing since taking office 6 months ago. Now does he really think we are that stupid?? He is going to attempt to tell us that he has "rescued the economy from the worst recession" Seriously??? I know that his idiot economic adviser thinks its all over because we are googling the term "economic Depression" anymore, but pa-leeeez. Maybe he should have a nice chat with some of the people I speak with each day in Detroit where their unemployment is at 13% or in California where it is over 11%. The economy has not recovered. "spending our way our of Bankruptcy" is not the answer even if Obama/Biden would like for you to think that. I ain't drinking the Kool-Aid on this one. Even Mitt Romney the former governor of the ONLY state to have a "reformed" healthcare system thinks this is rotten Idea.

Personally I HATE being talked to like a 5 year old. And I really hate it when politicians assume that I am not intelligent enough to understand that they are picking my pocket. Don't Tread on Me.