I used to have a funny t-shirt when I was in High School. it had a caricature of Albert Einstein in a Hawaiian shirt the saying read, "Sit on a hot stove for a minute and it feels like an hour, sit by a pretty girl for an hour and it feel like a minute. That's relativity" I've often thought of how true that statement can be. As I have previously ranted about how much I dislike being back in the dating pool this statement can carry even heavier weight.
Here are a few things that I have learned that are relatively important (in no particular order):
1) Girls like to be flattered even if they will try and dodge a compliment
2) It really is a big deal to be treated as well as you treat.
3) Dates that take place in your own house don't count as dates.
4) When venturing to blind or Internet dates use a 30 min date such as Starbucks or Ice cream. That way if you aren't interested you can bail with few hurt feelings
5) Honesty really is the best policy, if you aren't into her/him just say so. doesn't waste your time or theirs, but be prepared as rejection is never cool.
6) You reap what you sow, in other words if your are an insufferable person you are likely to attract insufferable people.
7) Girls really don't prefer jerks but they will settle for them
There are of course a bunch more but lets be honest it gets a bit tedious and depressing. On the bright side I have been feeling very wanted of late. Some really great friends and I have had a blast in getting to know each other better. It has gone part way towards restoring my faith in my ability to, at some point in the future, leave the single ranks.
but lets not get ahead of ourselves...
Subway: Undressing the Dressing
8 years ago
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