Its true. Guys can be jerks from time to time. I myself am not exempt. I mean lets be honest, its pretty much impossible to get to be the jaded divorced guy without having caused at least a few female shed tears. I've repented, moved on and hope those I've wronged can forgive me.
I have a friend who had a bad weekend. she ran into a buzzsaw of a jerk masquerading as a friend. This is the worst thing a guy can be. When good clean fun becomes down right uncomfortable for one party, or they fear for thier safety, the guy has moved to a new class of jerk that there are words for, but this is a family blog. I asked her if I could take him out, break his legs (I have sicilian friends) much to her credit she is not such a vengful person. I'm sure we could take care of him properly ( think torture scene from Casino Royale). But again much to this friends credit she declined. this brings me to a funny experience yesterday...
So I attend a singles ward, and where I am increasingly in the older crowd I still derive utility (geez i sound like an economist) from talking with the younger crowd. Call it the kid in me. But I found myself in a Dating and Courtship class. Boy was I a fish out of water. It occured to me that the sheer number of analogies regarding dating and relationships is staggering. Our ward is broken into 3 groups. The syrupy engaged couples (or engagged as my roommate Matt puts it), the young and desireables, and the jaded and looking/praying for a miracle crowd. In our ward there are a handfull of the sappy engagged, and a near even split between the young and beautiful and the miracle seekers. I myself am a tweener as I am young at heart but clearly somewhat jaded. I digress... the analogy party was absurd. we had one guy talking about how with love its like math (I know I know) that we dont multiply we use exponents... I nearly jumped out of my skin. My favorite by far was mine. "its not a matter of if we have baggage, its a matter of if all our baggage can get into the same vehicle" genius I know :)
The moral of the story is Guys are jerks and if you're a jerk you shouldnt use stupid analogies to explain why you aren't marreid yet. I know its deep...
Subway: Undressing the Dressing
8 years ago
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