It is quite frustrating when i am at work and I reach the end of the Internet. I got to that point again today just before deciding to blog about it. There is nothing worse than needing good quality online entertainment and be devoid of it. Granted out work firewalls block a few items that could supply endless hours of entertainment such as YouTube or any of the social networking sites but you would think that in the vastness of the World Wide Web that I could find something that would entertain me as I look outside the window and see near 70 degrees and partly cloudy skies. My typical list of things to do runs something like this. Check on the Mariners(yes this is terribly painful of late), next is BYU football, followed by anything new in the Wireless world, followed by checking on the most addictive site on the Internet At this point I run out. I have read most of the relevant news for the day by virtue of being on the Seattle Times web page or one of the rags in Salt Lake. So i ask. WHAT ELSE CAN I READ and not get fired, thrown in Jail, or disowned by my loving parents?
Subway: Undressing the Dressing
8 years ago
Just me JR, i know how you feel. This summer is turning out to be pretty slow at Avanade and there is only so much I feel i can do when there isn't work for me. it is frustrating!!! Love you!
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