So for graduation my parents got me a book. The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. Ramsey is a guy who has a radio talk show and gives financial advice. He has been through the wringer having gone bankrupt in his late 20's and then risen back to millionare status by helping other people not make those mistakes that he did. Pretty noble. I enjoyed the book a great deal and realized that I need to make a few changes in order to be financially healthy. The motto of the book is "Live like no on else so later you can LIVE like no one else." My parents have become Ramsey converts. After reading the book I too have decided that following his "baby steps" will help me to better financial health. The first step? Establishing a $1000 emergency fund. I am half way there after selling a few toys that would get better use from a new owner. Once my emergency fund is in place then I will start tackling the debt that I have racked up. my goal is to not turn 31 with any debt. Now this is a Huge goal considering when I say no debt I mean no student loans no NADA. I feel like this will set me up so that by the time I am 35 I will be financially secure and able to do anything that I like. I think these are realistic but definately streching goals. But how sweet will it be when I am financially free to do as I please. :)
Subway: Undressing the Dressing
8 years ago
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